Techniques of Object oriented programming using python | Concept of object oriented programs using python

Techniques of Object oriented programming using python | Concept of object oriented programs using python 

Techniques of Object Oriented programming (OOP) Using Python -

There are some basic programming Concept and Techniques in Object oriented programming.

Python support Object oriented programming language include four pillars Object oriented development. 

Techniques of Object oriented programming using python
fig. -Object Oriented Concept

Following are concept that from foundation of oop .

Object are basic unit of  Object Oriented programming they are instance of class .which has data member and member function to perform a task. 
Object is block of memory that contain the space to store all data member or instance variable .
 It may be any real-world object like the Pc, laptop , keyboard, chair, table, pen, book. etc.
Everything in Python is an object, and almost everything has attributes and methods.

It is very similar to structure in c language. Class can also define as user defines data type but also contain function in it so class is basically called blue print for an object.
Class is group of homogeneous entities and each entity of class is called object.Class is collection of variable and function (method)Classes declare and define data variable and what operation performs on class object. 

3. Abstraction –Abstraction means showing only essential features of application. it refers to providing essential information to outside word and hiding their background details. That is representing the needed information in program without presenting the details.

4. Encapsulation-
 It is called Data binding.Encapsulation binding data variable  and function  together in a class.

5. Inheritance- It is one of most use full aspect of oop. It has code reuseability It is process of forming new class from existing class.Existing class called as Base class and new class called Derived class.It is very important of oop sine inheritance helps reduce the code size.

6. Polymorphism- Polymorphism means one name many forms It accrues when hierarchy of classes and they related by    inheritance.It has ability to use and operate function in different ways in other word give different meaning or function is called Polymorphism. same function name to create that function perform variety of different task.


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