what is Abstraction | introduction of abstraction with programs |
Introduction of Abstraction –
Abstraction means hiding the complexity and only showing the essential features of the object or application. So in a way abstraction mean hiding the real implementation and we as a user, knowing only how to use it.Data abstraction is programming technique that relies on separation of interface and implementation .
Real life example : - TV , vehicle etc
TV is example which you do not know its internal details but only know turn off and on , change the channel ,adjust the volume and add external components such as speakers, DVD etc .
i.e Abstraction providing only essential information and hiding their background details ( it is represent information in program without presenting the details.)
Abstraction in Python –
Abstraction in python is achieved by using Abstract Classes and Interfaces.
Abstract class is a class that generally provides incomplete functionality and contains one or more abstract methods.
Abstract Method are the method that generally don’t have any implementation it is left to the Sub Classes to provide implementation for abstract methods
Abstract Class in Python –
In Python class is created by deriving from the meta class ABC which belongs to the abc (Abstract Base Class) Modules
Syntax for Creating Abstract Class in Python –
From abc import ABC
class Class_name(ABC):
From abc module, ABC class has to be imported and abstract class has to inherit ABC class in order to be considered as an abstract class
Abstract Method in Python –
For defining abstract method in an abstract class method has to be decorated with @abstractmethod decorator .
Syntax -
defining ABC method in abstract class in python is as given below
Program -
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Abstraction in python |
Abstraction in Python –
Abstraction in python is achieved by using Abstract Classes and Interfaces.
Abstract class is a class that generally provides incomplete functionality and contains one or more abstract methods.
Abstract Method are the method that generally don’t have any implementation it is left to the Sub Classes to provide implementation for abstract methods
Abstract Class in Python –
In Python class is created by deriving from the meta class ABC which belongs to the abc (Abstract Base Class) Modules
Syntax for Creating Abstract Class in Python –
From abc import ABC
class Class_name(ABC):
From abc module, ABC class has to be imported and abstract class has to inherit ABC class in order to be considered as an abstract class
Abstract Method in Python –
For defining abstract method in an abstract class method has to be decorated with @abstractmethod decorator .
Syntax -
defining ABC method in abstract class in python is as given below
From abc import ABC , abstractmethod
Class Class_name (ABC):
def mymethod(self):
# empty body
Class Class_name (ABC):
def mymethod(self):
# empty body
Program -
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Animal(ABC): # abstract class
def eat(self): # abstract method
class Tiger(Animal):
def eat(self):
print("eat Non-Veg")
class Cow(Animal):
def eat(self):
print("eat Veg only")
t= Tiger()
class Animal(ABC): # abstract class
def eat(self): # abstract method
class Tiger(Animal):
def eat(self):
print("eat Non-Veg")
class Cow(Animal):
def eat(self):
print("eat Veg only")
t= Tiger()
eat Non-Veg
eat Veg only
eat Veg only
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